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The drawings found are a part of my own exploration of the medium, which is perhaps the one I am most comfortable with - the pencil.  However I also included a few sketches in pen which I  made during my travels through Italy. These drawings are the ones that mark my separation from the classrooms of Lehigh onto what starts to form the aesthetics of my personal style. Pencil was the original medium with which i taught myself to channel my ideas through images and has become one of my most versatile mediums and still relevant in my current paintings, which rely heavily on sketching and planning. 


My pencil technique starts with a linear analytical map laying out the sketch of whichever the shape I intend to portray. Followed by, an initial layout of the diferent levels of tones that exist in the shape, eventually shapening and polishing them to fulfill my desired aesthetic vision for the piece. 

 This collection is a part of the series that I developed a few years ago that demonstrates my mastery of the analytical approach to drawing.

I put these together for their similarities in aesthetics and use of pencil. The first one of the left was part of a final project done to mimic the playing card - the queen of spades.  The one on the right was a drawing I made during high school and first formal drawing I made as an Artist. 

A few drawings depart from the pencil medium and are ink Sketches done on a trip to Italy this past summer.

This collection is the first part of an ongoing series that will fusse both my analytical approach to drawing and my signature spray painting style. The figure drawing are an especially important link between my paints and my drawings as the fluidity of the figure compliments the movement of the shapes formed by the spray paint.

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